Health Information for Travelers to Russia
Required Vaccination for a trip to Russia
There are no additional vaccinations required. It is recommended to have up-to-date vaccinations for tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis and hepatitis A.
Travellers going to Siberia or forested areas of Russia are advised to get vaccines against rabies and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE).
Basic Information for Travellers to Russia
During the past couple of years Russia has been confronted with increasing number of sexual transmitted diseases (also AIDS/HIV). So it is strongly recommended to avoid unprotected sex contact.
Visitors to Russia should obtain a travel health insurance covering medical evacuation. Due to the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement between Russia and the UK, British citizens enjoy free treatment in Russian hospitals.
Most Russians are used to drinking tap water. Tourists are advised using bottled or boiled water only.
Avoid purchasing food from cheap street takeaways and consume only well cooked meat.
Do not forget a first aid kit. Most medicines can be purchased in Russian pharmacies without prescription, though.
Avian influenza (Bird Flu) in Russia
Some regions of Russia reported outbreaks of avian influenza (H5N1). That is why it is important to take following precautions:
- avoid contact with all kinds of birds (and their feather) as well as with other alive or dead animals;
- ensure that eggs and poultry products are well cooked (the virus dies at temperatures reaching 70C in the middle of the product);
- keep raw and cooked meat separately;
- it is prohibited to import birds, eggs and poultry products into the European Union and the USA.
The emergency number for ambulance is 03. To be able to communicate with Russian doctors you will need strong Russian skills.
For immediate medical assistance it is also possible to contact the doctor at the hotel or following medical organisations:
In Moscow:
Citizens Emergency Center of the U.S. Embassy
United States Department of State
Telephone: (202) 647-5225 - 24-hours, everyday
European Medical Center
Spiridonievsky Per. 5, Bld. 1
Metro: Tverskaya
Emergencies 24 hrs: +7 (495) 933 6655
American Clinic
Grokholsky lane, 31, 1st floor
Metro: Prospekt Mira
Tel: +7 (495) 937-5757
International SOS alarm center (for members)
Open 24 hours a day
Tel. +7(495)937 6477
Global Voyager Assistance
Medical Evacuations
Tel: +7(495)775-0999
WHO Office of the Special Representative of the Director-General in Russia
Ostozhenka Street 28
Tel. +7(495)787-2100
Tel. +7(495)787-2101
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
Rakhmanowskij per. 3
Tel: +7(495)9284754
In St. Petersburg
Euro Med Clinic
Suvorovsky prospect 60
Metro: Ploschad' Vosstania and Chernishevskaya
Tel. +7 (812) 327-03-01
MEDEM International Clinic & Hospital
Marata Uliza 6
Metro: Mayakovskaya
Tel. +7 (812) 336-3333