Beef Stew Russian Style

The Russian roast beef is traditionally stewed in a clay pot in the oven. It is often recommended to sear the meat first in order to get a nice crust. It makes the meat really juicy and tasty. The selection of vegetables can vary according to season and mood. In Russia, root vegetables such as carrots and celery are quite common. Whole grain rye bread used in this recipe gives the dish a special flavor. Potatoes can be served separately or braised with meat in the oven.

Stroganoff Moscow Style

The world famous dish of Russian cuisine Boeuf Stroganoff was invented at the end of the 19th century and named after Count Alexander Stroganov. The recipe was influenced by French cuisine. Like in France, the meat is usually cut into small pieces and sautéed. The sauce is not served separately, though. According to the Russian tradition, the meat is then simmered in the sauce. The sour cream sauce makes meat very tender and gives it a special flavor. The original recipe was not preserved and there are many variations. Classic Boeuf Stroganoff ingredients are beef, onions and sour cream. Sometimes tomato paste is added to the sauce. In this recipe, the dish is prepared with green onions and mushrooms.

Pork Shashlik

Two marinades for Pork Shashlik. The right marinade is particularly important for shashlik. The acids in a marinade change the structure of proteins in meat denaturing them. It makes meat easier to digest and helps slow the growth of harmful bacteria.

Cabbage Stew with Meat or Vegetarian

White cabbage plays an important role in Russian cuisine. And it's no wonder. Cabbage resists low temperatures and can be stored in frost-free places for months. White cabbage is low in calories, high in fiber and is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It has been shown to strengthen the immune system and to protect against cancer. In Russian cuisine, cabbage is often served with meat. Vegetarians can mix cabbage, for example, with onions, carrots or mushrooms. Cabbage can also be served with potatoes.

Golubtsi – Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Golubtsi (Russian: голубцы) are stuffed cabbage leaves. In Russian cuisine, cabbage rolls are made with white cabbage and stuffed with a mixture of minced meat and rice. Traditionally beef and/or pork is used. Golubtsi made with chicken are tender and mild in flavor. One can also add tomatoes and carrots. Vegetarians can use vegetables or mushrooms as meat substitutes. The name "Golubtsi" is supposed to be derived from the Russian word "голубь" = "dove", as the form of the cabbage roll reminds of a sitting pigeon.

Russia Travel Safety Tips

Russia is not as dangerous as some lurid media reports suggest. Surprisingly many people feel absolutely safe travelling to New York or Chicago and find a trip to Russia extremely risky. But tourists who behave in a normal way and mind simple security guidelines, don't have to be afraid of anything. There is no gunfight […]

Pelmeni - Russian Meat Dumplings

Pelmeni (russ.: пельмени) are in their form like Italian tortelloni stuffed with minced meat. This dish originates from Siberia and was a popular meal among coachmen or hunters on their long trips across this vast and cold part of Russia. Pelmeni were prepared and stored frozen for a long period of time without being cooked. So it was frozen food that could be easily cooked and eaten either at home or on a journey. One only had to light a fire and boil some water or melt snow to cook pelmeni. During long and hard winters this hot and nourishing food was a real blessing.

Russian-Orthodox Easter

Easter (russ.: Пасха [Paskha]) is in Russia the major religious celebration of the year. It is even more important than Christmas.